Access Modifier

  • accessor methods: return a value
    • string, int - type of value that is returned
  • mutator/modifier methods: change object
    • change location (String newLocation)
    • void - not return value
    • haveABirthday changes age but no output


  • sets parameters for object
  • public Person(String name, int age, String Location)
  • commonly have to write constructor with parameters on ap test
  • allow creation of object
    • Person student = new Person ("Iris", 17, "San Diego")


  • usually mutator/modifier method
  • does not return a value (void)
  • public void haveABirthday();
    • changes the age of Person - year has passed
    • no output of new age but only modifies the previous age set
  • public void changeLocation(string newLocation)
    • set new location


  • usually use accessor methods
  • get a value
  • public int getAge()
    • creates a method to get the age from the object