
  • taking care of yourself is so important
  • make the most of your circumstances and be grateful for them
    • what you cannot control does not dictate how you live
  • mentality of failure - how to get over it, everyone fails
  • treating yourself is ok
  • teamwork and being able to take knowledge from others around you

Gratitude Letter to Mom

Hi mom, I am so thankful for all that you so for me. You always keep me company when I stay up late doing homework even when I know you have work the next day. Never do you get annoyed when I complain about having nothing to eat or being too bust or too tired. I love you <3

Gratitude Letter to Mr. Swanson

Hey Mr. Swanson, Thank you for making APUSH such a fun class last year. I never thought I could actually enjoy history. You made class so entertaining and something I actually wanted to learn instead of just memorizing things. Thank you!

Gratitude List

  • family and friends
  • education
    • not having to worry about paying for college
  • having food everyday
  • being able to buy myself new clothes if I want or go out to eat if I want
  • having people around me that support me
  • figure skating
    • all the people it has brought in my life
    • all the lessons it has taught me
  • roof over my hed I feel comfortable in


Goals are so important. They give you something to look forward to and something to achieve. Reaching goals makes people happier because it gives a sense of accomplishment.

  1. plan out my work especially longer projects to not leave to the last minute
  2. genuinely try to learn to gain knowledge and not for the grade
  3. have an open mind - do not think I cannot and am not able to do something right away