

  • enjoy physics in high school –> pursue it in college
  • failed several courses (Calc I, Calc III, AP Physics) but still persisted through those obstacles
  • ended up in great PhD program


  • computer science and physics degree from CSUSM
  • went to palomar (community) transfer to CSUSM
  • graduate debt free!
    • free community for CA students
  • cs is applicable in any field


  • leader in social mobility
    • connects graduates to industry jobs
  • constantly adding programs with changing industries
  • paid internships


  • definition - work experience from an org for a limited period of time
  • advice:
    • use campus events to find internships
    • avoid unpaid internships
    • apply even if you feel underqualified
    • ask for other people to review internship apps


  • private sector after college
  • postgrad degree: master, PhD


The perspective of college and the future was very interesting and meaningful to me, especially as a senior right now, choosing which college I want to attend and planning out how I want my future to look. One of my main takeaways is that a key way to succeed in the future is not never put yourself down. Ashley struggled with many classes and even failed some throughout her educational career. She could have quit and thought that she would never be able to get her computer science degree and never be able to get a PhD, but she continued to persist. Because she looked for ways to improve and not just believe she can’t do it, she is not at an amazing PhD program. They also discussed this idea with the internships. Do not think that you are not good enough for the program, because then you will never have a chance. Each person has unique characteristics and that may be just what the program is looking for. I think this is an idea I struggle with a lot. I feel as though I get “imposter syndrome” quite often, always feeling that I do not belong because everyone is better than me. I need to build more confidence in myself and not put myself down, because that will get in the way in my success in the future.

My second main takeaway is more about what I am looking for in a college to best prepare me for the future. Since this is a decision I am currently making, I found a great connection to this presentation. I want to be able to choose a college which connects me to internships where I am able to gain more industry experience, which is likely what I will be doing postgrad. Furthermore, John especially discussed the importance that computer science plays in all fields of study. Although I will not be majoring in computer science in college, I have come to realize how intertwined out everyday lives are with technology. Even medicine, which is the field I want to pursue, is so involved with cs including machine learning, protein/anatomy modelling, etc. I want to choose a place where I am able to gain exposure to every aspect and not become so stuck in one topic and lose the real world connection that biology has.