
int a = 6;
float b = 4;
float sub= (a - b);

Celsius to Fahrenheit Converter

import java.util.Scanner; //allows for user input

public class CelsiusFahrenheit {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String userInputStr;
        double celsiusdouble, fahrenheitdouble;
        boolean recommendationboolean;
        Scanner inputStream = new Scanner(; //creates area for input

        System.out.print("What is your Celsius degrees? ");
        userInputStr = inputStream.nextLine(); //assigns userinputstr as input
        celsiusdouble = Double.parseDouble(userInputStr); //changes to stored variable celsiusdouble


        fahrenheitdouble = (celsiusdouble*1.8)+32; //set fahrenheit variable to conversion

        System.out.print("\nFahrenheit conversion: " ); //enter line and print fahrenheit

        System.out.print ("\nYou would like an activity recommendation for that temperature? (answer true or false)");
        userInputStr = inputStream.nextLine();
        recommendationboolean = Boolean.parseBoolean(userInputStr);

        if (recommendationboolean=true && celsiusdouble<=10) { //creates recommendation if wanted for specific temperature range
            System.out.print("\nStay inside and read a book with hot chocolate");
        } else if (recommendationboolean=true && celsiusdouble<=30 && celsiusdouble>10) {
            System.out.print("\nGo on a hike outside with friends");
        } else if (recommendationboolean=true && celsiusdouble>30) {
            System.out.print("\nEat ice cream on the beach");
        } else if (recommendationboolean=false) {
            System.out.print("Have a nice day!");

What is your Celsius degrees? 15.0
Fahrenheit conversion: 59.0
You would like an activity recommendation for that temperature? (answer true or false)
Go on a hike outside with friends