Score: 34/40

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Question 15

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The correct answer is A: I only. II is an incorrect option because once k reaches data.length-1, there will be an exception because it will not be able to check the next term as it does not exist. I is a correct option because if the previous value is greater than the current value, false is returned because the sequence of numbers would be decreasing rather than increasing.

Question 16

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The correct answer is D: k+a1.length. All the values of a1.length-1 is already taken by the first for loop. k+a1.length will access the the elements of a2 and add them to the array.

Question 18

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The correct answer is B (int) ( Math.random () * myList.size () ). The int function initializes values 0 and myList.size() – 1 inclusive. Math.random generates a random value 0 to 1 not including 1. It is then multiplied by myList.size to determine a random value in the list.

Question 30

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The correct answer is C: “ilercom”. The int howFar starts at 3, word.substring(howFar + 1, word.length()) is “iler”. Then word.substring(0, howFar) adds “com” to the end.

Question 39

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The correct answer is D: 16. Since 27 is greater than 10, the call returns recur(recur(9)). recur(9) returns 18 since 9 is less than 10. recur(18) then returns recur(recur(6)). recur(6) returns 12. recur(12) returns recur(recur(4)). recur (4) returns 8 and recur(8) returns 16 finally.

Question 40

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The correct answer is C: W/WA/WAT/WATC. whatsItDo(temp) is a recursive call and since it is placed before the line System.out.println(temp), it goes through WATC, WAT, and WA before reaching the base. It then prints from W to WATC due to the recursive call.


  • array lists always start from term 0
  • compile: will code execute?
  • calling manipulate
  • int x : arr sets x as each value of the array
  • recursions repeat the code and reenter value into loop
    • stops when returns a final value
  • if printing an integer and calculation leads to decimal - round number
  • Math.abs finds the absolute value of the function
  • ! reverses what is inside the criteria and changes && to   and vice versa