Our Project

We had a really great time introducing our project to others. We noticed that people really enjoyed the game 2048 that we coded. They also really appreciated our derivative calculator and the complexity of it. One thing that did not end up working was the dislike button on our RBP database. This may be due to wifi issues as it was working earlier in the day at home. People also liked the design of our front page and how the page is creatively designed.

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Other Teams

We spent part of our time also looking at projects from other teams. We really loved the trivia on the Science Olympiad website. It was interesting how they used a database in their project for this function.

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Fine Arts

We also stopped by the ceramics, 3D animations, and Drawing & Painting exhibitions. We loved the specificity of the details in the 3D animations. Also it was so interesting to see how the students were able to create something so beautiful with their hands out of clay, just as we are able to create with the internet.

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